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Imagine waking up free from addiction and negativity, stepping into a life brimming with empowerment, where your past no longer dictates your future.
A chronic people pleaser and product of childhood trauma, I’ve known what it was to struggle with low self-esteem, depression, and addiction. For years, trauma created a void that I tried to fill externally with prescription pain pills, alcohol, and undeserving relationships, despite what many would have considered a wildly successful external life.
I had the executive title, the money, and the freedom to do just about anything I pleased, yet I was plagued with an internal battle of never feeling good enough. Through tapping and deep inner work, I learned that peace, happiness, and tranquility are an inside job. Let me show you the way to have ease, flow, and grace in your life by Tapping with Dr. Gigi!
I can help you in this particular areas.
EFT sessions focused on specific challenges like anxiety, procrastination, people-pleasing, or tech frustration. These are ideal for clients looking for fast relief and a taste of tapping's effectiveness. Instant mental and emotional reset, on-demand support, perfect for busy schedules.
Personalized, one-on-one EFT sessions to work through unique challenges and goals. This can include specialized tapping for addiction recovery, overcoming trauma, breaking co-dependency patterns, or addressing relationship issues. Tailored guidance, individualized support, flexible pacing to meet clients where they are
The combination of light and sound can help alleviate stress and promote mental clarity, making it a valuable tool for clients seeking relaxation and focus. Users often report heightened creativity and improved mood following sessions, which can be particularly beneficial for creatives and professionals aiming to boost their innovative thinking
“Discovering Yourself” is a transformative program designed to help you uncover your true identity, passions, and purpose. Through guided self-reflection, emotional healing techniques, and actionable strategies, this program empowers you to reconnect with your authentic self. It provides tools to navigate self-doubt, release limiting beliefs, and embrace your unique potential. You will gain clarity on your purpose, overcome self-doubt and build confidence in your decisions and actions.
“Boundary BadAzz is a dynamic program that equips you with the tools to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life. It’s designed to help you recognize unhealthy patterns, communicate assertively, and protect your energy while fostering respect in relationships. Learn how to prioritize yourself without guilt and embrace a balanced, empowered life. You will learn to set and enforce boundaries confidently and enhance communication skills to assert your needs and values.
4, 8 or 12-week intensive program that combines EFT tapping, hypnotherapy, and mindset coaching to address deeply rooted habits and beliefs around self-worth, financial abundance, and personal empowerment. Structured support and guidance, transformational tools for lasting mindset shifts, tailored for those committed to profound growth.
Live or recorded group sessions on themes like financial abundance, sales mastery, or self-compassion, incorporating tapping techniques and community support. Access to interactive group healing, shared experiences, and community support.
Events with featured speakers, interactive EFT sessions, and workshops on holistic health topics, providing a deeper dive into wellness and healing practices. Inspiring and educational, connects like-minded individuals, expands awareness of EFT and holistic practices.
Feel the difference I’ve made through the heartfelt words of my clients.
Tapping has been used to effectively treat war veterans and active military with PTSD. In a 2013 study, PubMed Central studied the impact of tapping on veterans with PTSD against those receiving standard care.
Within a month, participants receiving tapping coaching sessions had significantly reduced their psychological stress. In addition, more than half of the tapping test group no longer fit the criteria for PTSD.
There are also some success stories from people with anxiety using tapping as an alternative treatment.
A 2016PubMed Central study compared the effectiveness of using tapping over standard care options for anxiety symptoms. The study concluded there was a significant decrease in anxiety scores compared to participants receiving other care. However, further research is needed to compare tapping treatment with other cognitive therapy techniques.
Tapping is an alternative acupressure therapy treatment used to restore balance to your disrupted energy centers. It’s been an authorized treatment for war veterans with PTSD, and it’s demonstrated some benefits as a treatment for anxiety, depression, physical pain, and insomnia
Every client engaging in Hypno-Tapping VTM therapy has the following rights:
Every client should have a treatment plan that describes general goals o and specific objectives the client will work on in order to achieve their goals. Without such a plan, how would you know you’ve made progress?
The therapist should describe the process of how they work with clients, in as much detail as you prefer and time allows.
You are there voluntarily and should understand and consent to all treatment provided you.
Don’t like therapy or a specific type of treatment? You can leave at any time without any kind of repercussions.
Your Hypno-Tapping VTM therapist should be skilled and trained to administer the treatment he or she said they would, and do so in a dignified and humane manner. You should never feel unsafe in your therapist’s presence.
Therapists will not use your story to write a book, a screenplay, a movie, or have you appear on a television show. Therapists will not attempt to leverage the therapeutic relationship in an inappropriate manner (e.g., sexually or romantically), and they should not pass judgment upon you based upon your background, race, handicaps, etc.
No matter what your background or culture, you should expect to be treated with respect and dignity, by all staff (including billing staff, receptionists, etc.).
Your sessions are confidential and private and will not be overheard or shared with others.
Therapists should go through the list of common adverse and side effects of any treatment they prescribe.
Sometimes it just doesn’t work out with the therapist chosen. That’s nobody’s fault and the therapist should help you find his or her replacement (through a referral, at minimum).
You are entitled to confidential treatment by your therapist, meaning that your therapist cannot talk to others (except another professional colleague or supervisor) about your case without your written consent.
There are a few specific conditions where confidentiality may be broken (different country and state laws will vary):
Although it is not common to experience a healing crisis after an energy healing treatment, here are nine tips for moving through the process.
Having a healing crisis following an energy healing session is not a common experience, though it does sometimes happen. When it occurs, a healing crisis includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual/energetic components. The length of a healing crisis can be a few hours up to a few days.
Often, the disruption may begin in the physical body; it registers aches and twinges, tension or stiffness, muscle contractions, and even nerve pain. The pain or discomfort can resolve quickly, sometimes traveling down one side of the body, creating tingling sensations as the energetic material exits through the feet chakras.
The nervous system can be highly activated, causing mental overstimulation and a feeling of panic or overwhelming anxiety. The emotional aspects can include wide emotional swings, from grief and despair to expansiveness and bliss and back again.
Spiritually, there’s a sense of separating from what was known and understood, and landing in a void or chasm of uncertainty, feeling disconnected from Source.
Sounds like a great time, right? Well, in truth, it’s a pretty powerful passage through layer upon layer of energy held in the energetic systems of the body, mind, and emotions. Ironically, there is often not a lot of emotional context or story. Healing crises are generally not memory-based, with recall of past trauma or experience informing the process. Without available context, the individual may feel adrift and unable to make sense of the spectrum of symptoms and emotions.
Here are nine tips for moving through a healing crisis after an energy healing treatment:
A healing crisis is a powerful catharsis and reset of your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It is generally a transit—not a dark night of the soul. In other words, you will move through it and find your feet under you once again, conscious of the nuanced and evolved self on the other side.
Are there side effects during or after an energy healing session?
No two people are the same, but usually people feel calmer and lighter after an energy healing session.
Some energy healing sessions might leave you feeling a little lethargic, ready for a nap. As energy correction takes place and the negative energy frequencies are being release, the body’s energy system is disrupted and the and the body is realigning into a new energy frequency that is different.
Side effects are usually minimal and can be viewed as your body’s way of expressing the release of something negative as it begins to heal.
The most common side effects reported to me during and after their energy healing sessions include (not limited to): vivid dreams, dreams of healing or resolution of emotional or physical issue, dreams of healing a specific relationship or past love trauma, the sensation of heat, nausea, dizziness, sleepy, passing gas, numb, tingling, emotional release and brief anger, laughter and so forth.
Keep in mind, this is just your body’s way of releasing old energy frequencies and patterns in order to find true sustainable healing. Any time you make significant changes in your self-healing, there will be side effects no matter what method you choose, even if you only change your diet – it is not harmful – it is possible to experience these symptoms in phases for a few days to a week, or not at all.
Tapping is easy to use as a self-help technique because you can do it any time you feel the need. A practitioner can provide in-depth help if needed.
Tapping with Dr. Gigi sessions follow a set sequence:
While there are some success stories, researchers are still investigating its effectiveness on other disorders and illnesses. Continue to seek traditional treatment options. However, if you decide to pursue this alternative therapy, consult with your doctor first to reduce the likelihood of injury or worsening symptoms.
WebMd, says Humans are always looking for better ways to relieve stress. Medications may work, but they have side effects. Many people seek alternative solutions, such as tapping.
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What happens after an Hypno-Tapping VTM energy healing session??
I normally recommend drinking plenty of water to keep the body hydrated & flush out any toxins being released. I also recommend some rest if you are able to after your session. A short nap if time permits is great. Even a short meditation can be beneficial. Be extra nice, kind and compassionate with yourself. Consider some breathwork techniques to calm your mind and body.
If you are in a very toxic state (physically and emotionally) especially at the beginning, your body may feel a little lethargic for a few days after your initial session. You may notice a little emotional upheaval for a day or two as non-physical portion of your healing is being released such as emotions and old patterns. It can last moments or off and on throughout your day. Try to relax and take a moment to reflect if you can and let it release without judgement. In most cases, you will quickly notice the “clouds being lifted” so to speak. I have found that this normally lessens as work progresses and healing takes place. I always recommend that you honor yourself & intuition and listen to what your body is telling you. Listen to meditations, journal, or go out for a walk.
Energy healing/energy medicine (aka: energy correction) can be a tremendous addition to other forms of healing and can enhance the effects of other healing work, holistic or traditional. Some forms of energy medicine can significantly reduce or completely remove the negative side effects of necessary medications and treatments such as chemotherapy if that is the route you choose for healing.
Some of the side effects that might be considered “negative” that could show up with energy healing include:
Some of the side effects that could be considered positive associated with energy healing include:
In some cases, you might notice a shift or effect during your energy healing session. In some cases, you might notice side effects or shifts in days & weeks following your energy healing session. Normally, the most intense effects are noticed within a day or two at most.
Please consult me if your negative symptoms do not lessen and persist longer than 3 days.
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