Energy Healing for Personal Transformation

Freedom from Addiction and Destructive Patterns for a Life of Empowerment and Fulfillment


Boundary BadAzz eBook Cover

Boundary BadAzz eBook

How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty So That You Can Take Control of Your Life Instead of Life Controlling You. Learn to create and manage boundaries without feeling guilty.

Grant writing Success with AI

Master Grant Writing

Unlock Funding Success with ChatGPT, AI Assistance, and an EFT Confidence Boost

Participants will receive an in-depth introduction to grant writing fundamentals, understanding the essential elements of a successful proposal. They will grasp the significance of grant funding for driving project success and organizational growth. 

We will incorporate emotional freedom techniques to address any fear or trepidation participants may have about utilizing artificial intelligence, ensuring they feel comfortable and excited about leveraging ChatGPT to enhance their grant writing skills.

Tapping into Recovery

We embrace individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs, offering support for various addictions and destructive patterns including substances, food, gambling, people-pleasing, and more. Our tool-based approach to recovery incorporates techniques such as EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Visualization, and Meditation.

Coaching meme

Coaching has the transformative power to unlock untapped potential, providing you with the clarity, strategy, and motivation needed to achieve their goals. It is a dynamic partnership that not only accelerates personal and professional growth but also empowers you to navigate challenges with resilience and confidence.

Discovering Yourself

No more waiting for the “perfect” moment – the moment is now. Answer the call to overcome people-pleasing, perfectionism, and procrastination, and step into a life of purpose, authenticity, and action.

Mindset Makeover
Mindset Makeover

Transform Your Mindset! Are you prepared for a mindset transformation that will redefine your journey to success and fulfillment in health, wealth, and relationships? Join us for a unique program crafted to revolutionize your mindset across all aspects of your life. Propel yourself toward unparalleled personal growth and unlock the transformative benefits that await you on this extraordinary journey.

Peter Aluma

“Dr. Gigi helped me to move pass my depression and crippling procrastination. I lost my mojo and talked badly to myself. I am grateful to Dr. Gigi for her warmth, support and genius.”

Iris Frazier

“My EFT Tapping sessions with Dr. Gigi literally saved my life.

I began seeing Dr. Gigi after the death of my twin brother. 

I had completed months of Psychiatrist therapy and months of grievance group therapy, but was still unable to cope with his death or to shake the desire to join him. 

My days consisted of crying, sleeping, eating and television. I had never experienced that level of sadness and loss before. I found very little reason to live, and had very little hope. I felt isolated from the world. 

The loss of my brother also meant the loss of All “Family” contact that I had. 

Fortunately for me a friend suggested I call Dr. Gigi. 

I knew nothing about EFT Tapping, but I figured I had nothing to lose. 

My first session with her was on a Zoom meeting. Her warmth and compassion radiated through the screen as she patiently listened to my story. After our first Tapping session I had a sense of hope.

After many more sessions on Zoom and in person,  Dr. Gigi took me through the process of “Cutting my twin brother’s and my umbilical cord” so that I could release the pain of his death and celebrate the good memories of his life. What a miracle that was !!

She also guided me through other issues that were blocking me from dealing with my life’s circumstances.

I am longer nearly suicidal and so many more positive changes have occurred in my life sense.

I shall always be grateful to Dr. Gigi for what she has done for me.”

Paula Haines

Working with Dr. Gigi has been nothing short of life-changing. Her insightful guidance and unwavering support have empowered me to break through limiting beliefs, embrace my true potential, and create a life that aligns with my deepest aspirations. I am forever grateful for the transformational journey she guided me through, unlocking a new level of self-discovery and fulfillment.

Renesmee Thomas

Partnering with Dr. GiGi has been a profound experience. Her skillful guidance and empathetic approach have been instrumental in helping me navigate significant life changes. Through our sessions, I’ve gained clarity, developed a stronger sense of purpose, and acquired practical tools to overcome obstacles. Her coaching journey has been a catalyst for positive transformation, and I highly recommend their expertise to anyone seeking meaningful change and personal growth.

About Dr. Gigi

Dr. Gigi Smith

Energy Healer

A chronic people pleaser and product of childhood trauma, I’ve known what it was to struggle with low self esteem, depression, addiction. For years, trauma created a void that I tried to fill externally with prescription pain pills, alcohol, and undeserving relationships despite what many would have considered to be a wildly successful external life. I had the executive title, the money, and the freedom to do just about anything I pleased, however I was plagued with an internal battle of never feeling good enough! Through tapping and deep inner work, I learned that peace, happiness and tranquility is an inside job. Let me show you the way to have ease, flow and grace in your life by Tapping with Dr. Gigi!